The presidency of the Dominican Republic, in order to mitigate the economic and health crisis that the country is suffering as a result of Covid-19, on September 7 enacted Law 222-20 that modifies Law 506-19 of December 20, 2019 of the General State Budget for this year 2020, in turn modified by Law 68-20 of June 13, 2020 (the “Law”), establishing a Supplementary Budget, and authorizing the Executive Power, via the Ministry of Finance, to increase the financial sources in the budget that is in execution.
That said, and with the objective of designing and implementing public policies, programs and activities that are necessary to impact the deficit that affects the country, and especially vulnerable sectors, the Law seeks to rationalize public spending and adopt a contingency plan to promote all productive sectors, and, among other things, contemplates the collection, by the treasury, of a proportion of the income tax generated by residents or domiciled persons, according to their income.
For the purposes of this newsletter, we will raise the aspects of the Law that impact and facilitate the compliance of the tax obligations by taxpayers, remaining out team at your disposal to clarify these, or any other aspects referred to in the analyzed regulation.
This document contains general information on the subject of reference. Its purpose is merely informative and therefore does not constitute a legal opinion of Franco. It is recommended to seek legal advice for each particular case.